
Professional DJ multi player with disc drive

Refined, Remastered, Reborn

The CDJ-2000NXS2 inherits all the best features from its predecessor – the CDJ-2000NXS – and takes a giant leap forward. We’ve added a larger, multicolour touch screen with a Qwerty keyboard and search filters to help you select tracks faster. 2 banks of 4 Hot Cues give you more creative freedom, while a 96 kHz/24-bit sound card and support for FLAC/Apple Lossless Audio (ALAC) means you can play with higher resolution formats.

Download the rekordbox™ music management software or the rekordbox app to prepare your sets.

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Improved sound design

For the best possible club sound, we've added a 96 kHz/24-bit sound card and improved the digital signal processing (DSP) and Digital Out. Analogue noise is reduced to a minimum by a high-performance 32-bit D/A converter and separate analogue power supply. Crisp high-resolution audio is supported for FLAC, Apple Lossless Audio (ALAC), as well as MP3, WAV, AAC, and AIFF.


Large touch screen

The 7-inch, full-colour touch screen gives you instinctive control of your favourite features. It displays all the info you need, including Wave Zoom, Needle Countdown, Phase Meter, and more. Keyword Search and Track Filter mode help you browse and select your tracks faster for an effortless performance.


8 Hot Cues

Set cue points in rekordbox and customise their colours. 2 banks of 4 colour-illuminated Hot Cues put instant playback of pre-set cue points at your fingertips.

quantise beat effects_2

Beat perfect

Quantize snaps cues and loops to the rekordbox beat grid for a reliable performance every time.


Add a DDJ-SP1

Add the DDJ-SP1 to your set-up and access even more performance features. Simply plug in a USB cable and control up to 4 CDJ-2000NXS2s using Pro DJ Link.


Pro DJ Link

Pro DJ Link lets you connect up to 4 players or laptops via a simple LAN connection. Combine this with rekordbox and get your hands on enhanced performance features and track info, such as Beat Sync, Beat Countdown, Beat Jump and Phase Meter.

Take a short cut

The shortcut button gives you direct access to Browse mode and My Settings on the player's touch display.

Three-position lever

Simply tap the three-position lever to engage Slip Reverse, Forward, and Reverse.

Memory Cue

Set, name and colour-code your cues in rekordbox, for example 'my breakdown', then access the information directly on the player's screen.

My Settings

Take your preferred settings with you wherever you play. Save your settings and tracks to USB, SD card, smartphone or tablet, connect to the hardware, and your settings load instantly along with your tracks.

Beat Jump

Use Quantized Beat Jump to jump 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 beat backwards or forwards from the current playback position.


This player supports USB-HID control of Native Instruments’ TRAKTOR PRO 3 DJ software, so you don't need a control disc.
Find out more about the Pioneer DJ Certified program.

Serato DJ Pro

This player supports USB-HID control of Serato DJ Pro software, so you don’t need a control disc.
Find out more about the Pioneer DJ certified program.

djay PRO

This player supports USB-HID control of Algoriddim's djay Pro software, so you don’t need a control disc. Find out more about the Pioneer DJ Certified program.

Compatible with DVS feature

Use this product with the rekordbox Core plan or above to make full use of the DVS feature. Find out more.

Firmware Update Manager

You’ll be automatically notified when firmware updates become available. You can download the Firmware Update Manager here.

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