
cdj-2000nxs2-and-djm-900nxs2-performance-with-antigone-1200x450 u-1NmGu-3Og

CDJ-2000NXS2 & DJM-900NXS2 performance with Antigone

cdj-2000nxs2-and-djm-900nxs2-walkthrough-with-antigone-1200x450 jmCuyk5XwE0

CDJ-2000NXS2 & DJM-900NXS2 walkthrough with Antigone

smen-interview-video dVd2srw2jJ4

The Smen are back

Watch the deck masters get nostalgic while discussing their music styles and tools, including how they use the touch screen of the DJM-TOUR1 to give each other cues. They incorporate the mixer as part of a hefty set-up that includes the CDJ-2000NXS2, DJM-900NXS2, and DJS-1000. "With the DJS-1000, I'm able to load my own sounds, write my own beats and tracks… [or] use it as a trigger for drops", explains DJ Sneak. "I'm not just putting in samples and tapping it – I'm actually writing whole tracks on it."

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Vinyl Break Acid Noise by James Zabiela

Acid!.. James Zabiela demonstrates how to layer your mix with your own acid sounds created from the DJM-900NXS2’s new Vinyl Brake Beat FX and Noise Sound Color FX.
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Helix Sampling by James Zabiela

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Helix Lasers by James Zabiela

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