03 October, 2023

CDJ-3000 now supports Cloud Analysis from rekordbox

Update: CDJ-3000 firmware (ver. 3.11)

  • Support for Cloud Analysis to instantly acquire BPM and waveform information, even for tracks from compatible streaming services.

    When loading track on a CDJ-3000 connected to the internet, the BPM, beatgrid, and waveform can be instantly acquired from AlphaTheta's track information database and used for your performance.

    This enables rapid and accurate beat matching and mixing using Beat Sync and quantize, even with tracks from supported streaming services, removing the need for song analysis on the CDJ-3000.

    Cloud Analysis is available to all rekordbox users.

    Find out more about Cloud Analysis here.

  • Support for Rating Edit

    You can edit track ratings on the CDJ-3000.

  • Support for Information Jump

    You can navigate to tracks with the same BPM, key, or other category from the detailed information of a loaded track.

  • Support for Link Info

    You can check the detailed information of the track loaded on each player connected to the PRO DJ LINK network.

CDJ-3000 Firmware ver. 3.11 Download page


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