07 June, 2018

TORAIZ SP-16 firmware update (ver 1.50) introduces live sampling

Make your productions even more creative using samples from various sources.

We’re bringing the eagerly anticipated live sampling feature to the TORAIZ SP-16. The feature is enabled on our professional sampler for music producers via the newly released firmware – ver 1.50.

An update for the DJS-TSP Project Creator has also been released (ver 1.1.0), extending the maximum sample length to 64 seconds.

How to use the live sampling feature

Press [SHIFT] + [TRACK] to enter LIVE SAMPLING mode.

In LIVE SAMPLING mode, press a Performance Pad where no sample is loaded to instantly create a sample of a sound coming from an external source.

Record sounds from hardware, such as our professional monophonic analog synthesizer, the TORAIZ AS-1, in real time while automatically synchronising with sequence patterns in the TORAIZ SP-16. You can immediately loop, edit and use the sample directly in your music production process without assigning it to Performance Pads.

Live sampling helps make music creation more effortless thanks to the easy sampling of sounds from synths, various other types of equipment and even vinyl records.

Click here to download the TORAIZ SP-16 and DJS-TSP Project Creator firmware updates. We recommend that all users of the TORAIZ SP-16 and DJS-1000 update their firmware.

We’re working hard to constantly improve the functionality of the TORAIZ SP-16 and give you the features you’ve requested. We listen carefully to all your feedback and we appreciate the passion within the community that’s formed around the sampler. We’re confident that, with your help, the TORAIZ SP-16 will continue to evolve and improve.


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