17 July, 2018

DJM-REC recording app for iOS now supports SoundCloud music streaming platform

Our DJM-REC recording app for iOS is now compatible with SoundCloud, the world’s largest open audio platform. You can now upload your mixes directly from DJM-REC to SoundCloud, and effortlessly raise your DJ profile.

DJM-REC is an app for DJs, which enables easy recording and sharing of mixes for effortless self-promotion to global audiences.

It offers everything you need: simple connection, high-quality audio recording, and easy online sharing and streaming using DJM series mixers* equipped with the send/return feature.

In addition to the new SoundCloud support, DJM-REC enables you to easily upload your recorded mixes to cloud services such as Mixcloud and Dropbox. You can also live stream your mix effortlessly via YouTube, Facebook Live, Periscope, Instagram and Snapchat via DJM-REC.

Try DJM-REC free for 30 days with full access to all its features. To continue using the app after the trial period, you can upgrade to the paid version for €10,99.

It is the responsibility of DJM-REC app users to follow copyright protection laws, rules and regulations, as well as international treaties designated in the country where the app is being used.

*DJM-REC is compatible with DJM-series mixers equipped with the send/return feature (i.e. the DJM-TOUR1, DJM-900NXS2, DJM-750MK2 and DJM-450). To use DJM-REC with the DJM-TOUR1, DJM-900NXS2, DJM-750MK2 or DJM-450, update the mixer’s firmware to the latest version.


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