December 27, 2019

Pioneer DJ changes company name to AlphaTheta Corporation

We’re changing our company name from Pioneer DJ Corporation to AlphaTheta Corporation. Our brands and brand names, including Pioneer DJ, will not be affected.

Pioneer DJ Corporation has changed its company name to AlphaTheta Corporation as of January 1, 2020. Our brands and brand names, including Pioneer DJ, will not be affected.

We’re updating our corporate name to better reflect our values and vision. The change is not related to any merger, sale, or reorganization.

We take great pride in our commitment to the music industry and we’ve chosen our new company name, AlphaTheta Corporation, based on our passionate vision to innovate, inspire, and entertain.

Why AlphaTheta?

Music can guide the human brain into extremely powerful states of mind.

Peak human experience can be enhanced with an optimal balance of creative music, superior sound technologies, and group coherence. AlphaTheta refers to the brain wave frequencies achieved in these peak states. Our vision is to use our innovative technologies to enable and enrich these peak moments.

AlphaTheta enables you to go Beyond the Music.


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