
rekordbox update Ver. 3.2.0

  • rekordbox supports the XDJ-RX.
  • Added a feature to show a secondary browser.
  • Added an option to set a fourth Hot Cue (for XDJ-RX).
  • Added an option to show the cue markers on the preview waveform.
  • Added a feature to preview an Active Loop.
  • Added options to show the beat count to the next Memory Cue.
  • Added an option to prevent tracks from being re-analyzed and beatgrids from being edited.
  • Added an option to change the location of the Master Database.
  • Improved the intelligent playlist function where tracks sorted by the specific column can be exported.
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for the preview operation.
  • Improved the [Save Playlist Info] function where the Summary column can also can be exported.
  • Improved the preview function where the audio output of the preview can be monitored via Pro DJ Link.
  • Fixed an issue in relocating missing tracks.
  • Fixed an issue where specific tracks are duplicated in the collection on a Mac.
  • Fixed an issue where specific tracks imported from an external drive and exported to the same drive cause track CDJ load errors.
  • Fixed other minor issues.

If you have rekordbox installed, launch it and let the automatic updater do its work.

New users can find rekordbox here

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