App Inquiries

To protect your personal information, data transmissions are encrypted with SSL 3.0 (128 bit password strength)

Use of personal information

There may be times when we ask for your personal information in order to:

  • provide our customers with new product information, as well as information about updates to existing products.
  • provide answers to fellow-customer questions we receive.
  • obtain customer feedback via questionnaire.

All personal information gathered from our customers is treated with complete confidentiality in accordance with our privacy policy

Important when filling out

  • (Important) We will send our response to the email address you enter on the inquiry page.
  • Should you not receive an email, it is possible that your address was not entered correctly so please double-check this when completing the form.
  • Our email responses are sent for the purpose of addressing your individual inquiries. The contents of these emails are copyrighted and belong to AlphaTheta Corporation.
  • Please refrain from using them, in part or whole, for any other purposes without the permission of AlphaTheta Corporation.

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