December 21, 2018

Mr Switch demos rekordbox lyric with COTODAMA at Abbey Road Studios

The turntablist joined us at the iconic recording studio to celebrate our rekordbox lyric DJ software with music tech mentors Abbey Road Red and lyric experience innovators COTODAMA.

On November 21st 2018, we held an event at Abbey Road Studios in London with scratch master Mr Switch, software-engine creators COTODAMA and collaborators Abbey Road Red to showcase our lyric visualisation software, the rekordbox lyric Plus Pack.

Our partners Takayuki Suzuki and Jin Saito of COTODAMA spoke to guests about the power of lyrics and why "bonding a listener" to a song is so valuable. Turntablist Mr Switch was on hand to demonstrate how the DJ software not only entrances crowds but easily syncs with playlists.

"All I do is click 'retrieve lyrics' and it will import them… so while I'm DJing that track, the lyrics will appear," explains the 4-time World DMC Champion and 7-time UK DMC Champion. "The software is amazing - it's great fun to play, and it's great fun to enjoy and watch."

Check out the clip below to go inside the event and see Mr Switch perform with rekordbox lyric while putting our DDJ-1000 professional controller through its paces.

Mr Switch showcases Pioneer DJ and Cotodama’s rekordbox lyric

Watch scratch royalty Mr Switch - World DJ Champion showcase Pioneer DJ and Cotodama's rekordbox lyric using the DDJ-1000. Music was brought to life in spectacular form in the setting of the world-famous Abbey Road Studios with the Lyric Speaker.

Posted by Pioneer DJ on Friday, December 7, 2018


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