What is it?

Start From Scratch is an initiative by AlphaTheta through Pioneer DJ brand to provide free access to the DJ industry for underrepresented communities.
Free workshops give people the chance to learn the basics of DJing or improve their skills and gain insight on successful pathways through the industry. All workshops are community-led, guided by guest experts from the relevant community, and usually take place at local DJ schools.
Following their first session, some participants have the chance to join the Start From Scratch Accelerator Programme. This includes a full DJ course at the school, funded by Pioneer DJ, before each graduate is invited to play a live set at a specially organized club-style event.
Why do wedo it?
We believe we are One Through Music: In an ideal world, we would look at the DJ line-ups of the top global clubs, festivals, and music events and see a representation of the diverse society we live in. Instead, like many influential roles in music and technology, not excluding our organisation - we see mostly straight, white, men.
Yet dance music has always been embraced and championed by people of colour, women and female identifiers, and LGBTQI+ people. In fact, the roots of electronic music stemmed from marginalised communities, with these important origin stories often being diminished in the media.
Our dance floors are packed with diversity, and we often hear mantras promoting inclusivity and equality in the vocals coming from the speakers. So, why don't we see all kinds of unique individuals behind the decks?
Right now, the DJ community simply doesn’t represent the make-up of global communities. We want to help change that by giving opportunities to folks who may not get them otherwise.

Why is itimportant?
We love everything about our industry: the music, the technology, the clubs, the festivals… And we want it to thrive. We want it to be as interesting as possible. And, most of all, we want people from all communities to have the chance to take part, to be creative, to break barriers and to contribute to the scene whatever their background and circumstances may be.
Experience has shown us that its important to make safe spaces where artist’s minds can enter a flow state and they can realise their creative potential. We think it’s our responsibility to use our resources and industry know-how to provide this opportunity for people who haven’t found DJing accessible before, so they can enjoy the thrill of mixing.
We hope that Start From Scratch will play a part in the diversification of DJ line-ups, leading to a more eclectic industry where all communities are equally represented behind the decks.