14 March, 2017

SoundTower releases sound editor application for the TORAIZ AS-1

The TORAIZ AS-1 Sound Editor LE is a program editing application specifically created for the TORAIZ AS-1, our monophonic synthesizer for music production and live performances. This sound editor lets you edit and manage your programs and create sequence patterns directly on your computer.

The TORAIZ AS-1 Sound Editor LE allows you to edit all the mono synth’s program parameters and create sequence patterns for its 64-step built-in sequencer. You can also use the application to prepare your performances, by creating new sounds and phrases, all within a single graphical interface on you PC or Mac.

Key Features
  • Edit your programs
  • Manage programs in user banks
  • Create sequence patterns for the 64-step sequencer
  • Change the settings of the GLOBAL SETTING menu
  • Save bank and program data to your computer

Download TORAIZ AS-1 Sound Editor LE and software manual from Soundtower.com for free today.

About SoundTower

SoundTower’s ultimate goal is to create software that enables musicians to realize the full potential of their instruments. The company aims to build precision MIDI tools and musical instrument sound and effects editors that are specifically engineered for each keyboard and sound module they support.


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